One Medical in St Albans offers a comprehensive range of treatments to help you look and feel your best, including dermal fillers and anti-wrinkle injections. Our team of experienced practitioners are dedicated to providing you with personalised care that addresses your unique needs and concerns. Whether you’re looking to enhance your natural features, reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, or achieve a more youthful, vibrant complexion, we have the expertise and technology to help you achieve your goals.

We understand that the ageing process can take a toll on your skin, causing it to lose its natural elasticity and suppleness. This can result in fine lines, wrinkles, and other signs of ageing that can make you look and feel older than you are. However, there are a number of factors that can contribute to skin ageing, including genetics, lifestyle habits, sun exposure, and environmental factors. That’s why we take a comprehensive approach to skin rejuvenation, helping you address the underlying causes of premature ageing while also providing you with targeted treatments that help you achieve your desired results.

Personalised treatments

Our range of anti-wrinkle injections includes a variety of treatments designed to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, restore volume and elasticity to your skin, and give you a smoother, more youthful complexion.

Each of our treatments is personalised to meet your unique needs, taking into account factors such as your skin type, the severity of your wrinkles, and your desired outcomes. We use only the latest, state-of-the-art technology to deliver our anti-wrinkle injections, ensuring that you receive the most effective, safe, and virtually painless treatments possible.

What do we treat?

Some of the key areas we treat with anti-wrinkle injections include frown lines, forehead wrinkles, crow’s feet, jowls, drooping smile, smoker’s lines, and excess sweating. Our team of experienced practitioners will work closely with you to design a personalised treatment plan that addresses your specific concerns and delivers the best possible results.

In addition to our anti-wrinkle injections, we also offer a range of dermal fillers designed to restore volume and fullness to your skin, giving you a more youthful, radiant appearance. Our premium filler, Juvederm, contains lidocaine for a virtually painless experience and provides natural-looking results that last up to 9-24 months.

Anti-Wrinkle Injections:

  • Reduction and prevention of frown lines between the brows
  • Reduction and prevention of forehead wrinkles
  • Reduction and prevention of crow’s feet wrinkles around the eyes
  • Non-surgical brow lift to raise and re-contour eyebrows
  • Jowl lift to reduce neck creases and improve definition of the jawline
  • Reduction of drooping smile by raising the corners of the mouth
  • Reduction of smoker’s lines caused by puckering of the lips
  • Hyperhidrosis treatment to alleviate excess sweating of the underarm region

Dermal Fillers:

  • Under-eye treatment (Tear Trough) for hollow and dark circles
  • Cheek filler to create a fuller or higher cheekbone look
  • Lip filler to enhance the Vermillion border and increase lip volume
  • Lip Lines (Smoker’s Lines) filler to plump and define the lips
  • Nasolabial fold filler to reduce lines from the nose to mouth area
  • Marionette line filler to reduce lines from the mouth to chin area
  • Chin filler to define the chin
  • Jawline filler to define the jawline
  • Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty / non-surgical nose job
  • Hand rejuvenation filler
  • 8-point lift to create a non-surgical facelift by lifting sagging areas of the face

Book your initial Aesthetic consultation with Dr Ruth. There is a deposit of £45 for the initial consultation which will will be deducted from the cost of any Aesthetic treatment booked.

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